The human Aura: What is it? How can we see it? What do these colors even mean!?!?

The human Aura: What is it? How can we see it? What do these colors even mean!?!?



Have you ever felt someone's presence before even knowing they were there? Or had a gut feeling about someone that turned out to be accurate? Caught a random glimpse of color out the side of your peripheral eyesight? These are just a few examples of how we may be interacting with someone's aura, without realizing but what exactly is an aura? The aura is an energy field that surrounds the human body. It is made up of different layers, much like out chakras, each with its own vibrational frequency. The aura can be seen as a reflection of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. It also contains information about our health and wellbeing. While we tend to gravitate to a specific color or two from birth, our aura does change. The more affected our aura is by the outside world, the more it will reflect said damage. Whether it be leakages or ruptures...but we're getting ahead of ourselves, before we go into that, let's look at the Seven layers of the aura are:

-Etheric layer

-Emotional layer

-Mental layer

-Astral layer

-Egoic layer

-Soul layer

-Spiritual layer

The first four layers make up the Lower Quaternary and are connected to the physical body. The last three layers make up the Upper Triad and are connected to the higher self. If that sounds familiar, it's because its the same within the chakras as well.


The first layer, the Etheric layer, is closest to the physical body and is made up of energy that nourishes the body. This layer is also responsible for the health and well-being of the physical body.


The second layer, the Emotional layer, is made up of emotions and feelings. This layer is responsible for our moods and how we react to different situations.


The third layer, the Mental layer, is made up of thoughts and ideas. This layer is responsible for our cognitive functions and how we process information.


The fourth layer, the Astral layer, is made up of desires and beliefs. This layer is responsible for our motivation and what we value in life.


The fifth layer, the Egoic layer, is made up of the ego. This layer is responsible for our sense of self and how we interact with the world.


The sixth layer, the Soul layer, is made up of the soul. This layer is responsible for our sense of purpose and who we are on a spiritual level.


The seventh layer, the Spiritual layer, is made up of Spirit. This layer is responsible for our connection to the Divine and Universal energies.


While we all have an aura, not everyone is able to naturally see it, naturally being the imperative word here. Those who are able to see auras typically use their third eye (also known as the sixth chakra) to do so and are more inclined to clairvoyant tendencies within their psychic clair's reach (find out more about the Psychic Clairs here). Once you're able to see someone's aura, you can start to interpret the different colors and patterns that you see. Each color in the aura carries a different meaning. For example, a deep red color may indicate one is feeling passionate or close to anger (depending on the tone of the color), while a light blue color may represent serenity and peace. The more dominant a color is within a persons aura, the more it encompasses them. By working with the different colors and energies in the aura, imbalances can be corrected and overall wellbeing can be improved. Knowing the state of our aura's can be preventive care for our physical well being.

We all radiate energy with every breath and movement. To see that, you have to raise your level of consciousness and connect with your psychic clair's. Others are also able to sense auras and their state. Although popular belief is that aura falls in complete opposite to modern science, recent studies are beginning to show otherwise. Scientists are conducting experiments that suggest our world and everything in it is impacted by the energies around us. While we all have an aura, not everyone is able to see it immediately. People who can see auras commonly use their third eye, which is also called the sixth chakra but that doesn't mean you can't learn to view your own or even someone else's aura! There are a number of different ways to train yourself to see auras. If you're interested in learning how to see auras, there are a few things you can do. Firstly, try to relax and clear your mind. Once you've done this, start to focus your attention on the area between your eyebrows (this is where the third eye chakra is located). If you're having trouble seeing anything at first, don't worry. It can often take some time and practice to develop this skill. We have many different meditations and guides to help train you to to see and sense aura's you can find them within Our Guild of Incantari here! Once you start to see colors or shapes, it's helpful to note what you see and how it makes you feel. You may also find it helpful to look at someone's aura in a mirror, as this can make it easier to see the different colors and patterns.


Step 1- To perceive someone's aura, have them stand around 10 feet away from you. To get the perfect undisturbed view, make sure the background is either a contrastingly light color or a contrastingly dark color, honestly pure white works best. Furthermore, find a light source that is neither too bright nor too dull. Adhering to natural light sources is ideal, you don't want it to over flood your eyesight, subtly is best here.


Step 2- What you need to do now is focus on the nose of the person in front of you. Instead of fixating on one thing, let your eyes relax and take in your surroundings. Our vision is fantastic because it's circular, which means that even when you're concentrating on looking at someone's nose, your peripheral view can take in the person's sides. And that's where you'll start to notice the coloring first, your peripheral view.


Step 3- As you keep looking, you will start to notice a dark and looming figure of the person's body. This won't be too thick or heavy, and it will be very mild and subtle. But, don't get too excited and start looking at the shadow instead of focusing straight. Stay relaxed or it'll disappear.


Step 4- Now, look at the person's outline only from the corners of your eyes. The aura will begin to take shape in your mind's eye as you focus on it.


Step 5- Gently raise your eyes from the person's nose to their forehead. This will give you a better understanding of their energy field.


This is a fairly simple way of viewing another's aura but you can also apply it to yourself and view your own aura. If you'd like to learn more on Aura's and other metaphysical subjects, check out Our Guild of Incantari! Once you're able to see someone's aura, you can start to interpret the different colors and patterns that you see. Each color in the aura carries a different meaning. For example, a deep red color may indicate one is feeling passionate or close to anger, while a light blue color may represent serenity and peace. The more dominant a color is within a persons aura, the more it encompasses them. Different colors mean specific things within the aura, such as:


-Red: Passion, anger, or danger

-Orange: Creativity, happiness, or enthusiasm

-Yellow: Intellect, wisdom, or knowledge

-Green: Healing, balance, or peace

-Blue: Communication, truth, or loyalty

-Purple/Violet: Spirituality, imagination, or psychic abilities.


Now that we've gone over what an Aura is, how to view one and what its colors mean; we're ready to dive in deeper. Stay tuned for "How to Shield your Aura with Meteorites" & "Energy Vampires: Are you feeding one!?" If you enjoyed this article & want to learn more, check out Our Guild of Incantari!





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