Solar eclipse in Scorpio: Becoming you

Solar eclipse in Scorpio: Becoming you

A New moon solar eclipse in Scorpio is a powerful time to release what no longer serves you and embrace transformation. This is a time to go deep within yourself, letting go of the past and any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. So that you can embrace the you, you were always meant to be. As intense as eclipse energy tends to feel, it brings about much needed change, especially in the sign it comes in. Scorpio is a sign of intensity, so this can be a passionate and emotional time. If you're open to it, this can be a time of profound healing and growth. Be gentle with yourself during this time and center on self-care, trust that the process of letting go is ultimately for your highest good. This solar eclipse in scorpio is also highly focused on karmic energy and healing deep-rooted issues, which is why it centers on release as much as it does. So don't only check your sun, moon and rising but your North and South node as well, since they'll also be impacted. If you have been struggling with something for a while, this is the time to let it go my loves. This is not a time to hold onto anything, or anyone, that is no longer serving your highest good. The Mars retrograde is right around the corner and we'll want to be a rested as possible for that adventure. And a lunar full moon eclipse as well. The key to working with this eclipse energy is to let go of what's no longer working in your life, so that you can make space for what does. Trust that the universe has something better in store for you, and be open to receiving it.


The solar eclipse falls on October 25 in the sign of Scorpio. As intense as eclipse energy tends to feel, it brings about much needed change, especially in the sign it comes in. This can be a passionate and emotional time for those who fall under the Scorpio sign but lets see how it'll effect zodiac's over all.



As intense as this eclipse energy can feel, it brings about a much-needed change on who we are and who we're meant to be. This is a time to be gentle with yourself and center on self-care. Trust that the process of letting go is ultimately for your highest good, Aries. Stop trying to make everyone else happy and fill in the gaps they're missing. You are always quick to find solutions for your loved ones, but have you ever stopped to think what it is you want? Oftentimes, our natural response to stress is wanting to help others, even if it means sacrificing our own peace of mind. This eclipse is centering on your need to please others because addressing it is crucial to your growth. Your self- care is all about your empowerment and this release is the first portion to that.  






This is a powerful time to release any toxic relationships that are no longer serving you. You may be called to go deep within yourself and let go of the past and any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. You will feel a sudden surge of energy, and the eclipse will bring out your inner bad b****, embrace it. By focusing your energy in the right direction, you'll be able to accomplish what you deeply desire. When we have a relationship that's keeping us back, it can be time for some self-exploration to figure out what exactly we need. A one-sided or toxic relationship will only leave you feeling depleted and this Solar Eclipse will be the energy boost needed to finally release the draining connection.



This eclipse's immense energy calls for you to center on self-care. Trust that the process of letting go is ultimately for your highest good, Gemini's, I know it's difficult for you to let go but this IS the time to do so. Your ever-changing energy has you bouncing from one task to the next, and at times you may come across as a bit much. The key to productivity is learning how to do less.The eclipse is a reminder to explore your subconscious and think creatively. Use up all of this creative and intense energy as you do best. Self-Care looks differently for everyone, its not all bubble baths and chocolates. Grab a paint brush or a journal and let your mind go on auto drive. You never know what your subconscious needs to tell you. New moons are perfect for new beginnings and planting seeds.



The eclipse is emphasizing your need for ambition and socializing. Upcoming social events like get-togethers, parties, and cookouts may not be at the forefront of your mind. Remember that there are people essential to your success, and you are not only one of them but the most crucial one. You cannot put the success of others above your own if you want to be successful. Confidence is a choice and keeping up with our self care and self empowerment is how we achieve it. When you are at your most balanced you shine and thrive in social events but when you aren't the tense energy is palpable. Focus on your meditation and centering on silencing your mind and fears. Place close attention to your dreams, they'll show you exactly what you are in need of releasing during this eclipse.



It's time for you to figure out what your next move is, Leo.The New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio is a signal for you to get more aware of your concealed desires, let go of your fears. Hiding things from yourself will only obstruct your growth and staying put never helped anyone. You've spent enough time on your home life, now it's time to venture out into the world. Society has a lot to teach us, and sometimes our childhood doesn't always provide the guidance we needed. By igniting your ambition, you'll be more likely to take the steps needed to reach your goals. Take risks, have faith in yourself, and always do your best you'll be glad you did. The only true failure in life is giving up and not moving forward.



Use this eclipse as an opportunity to focus on and fine-tune your financial strategy. Unanticipated costs can wreck your budget if you're not careful. It is always better to be tolerant and avoid arguments with colleagues and closed ones during this intense eclipse. Life is a journey, not a destination, and the wisest among us know that life is meant to be experienced not survived. As a mutable earth sign, chances are that you don't do well with changes or surprises. Even if it doesn't lead to anything, you might find yourself holding onto the familiar instead of letting go. This eclipses centers on you releasing that which doesn't serve you and for you dear Virgo, thats harder than most. Some arguments aren't worth loosing your peace over, remember that Virgo.



The solar eclipse in Scorpio falls in your 2nd house of finances, Libra. This is a powerful time to release any old patterns around money that are no longer serving you. You may be called to go deep within yourself and let go of the past and any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Use this eclipse as an opportunity to work on your self-assurance. As a result of recent events, you may no longer feel as confident as you once did. You need to remain calm during tough times and not let the confusion upset you. While you wait, practice making tough decisions. This New Moon and solar eclipse are both excellent times for you to check in on your spending and financial habits. Doing so now can help you make any necessary changes before the new year begins.



The solar eclipse in Scorpio occurs in your 1st house of self, Scorpio. This is a powerful time for you to release any old patterns or beliefs about yourself that are no longer serving you. When you allow your personal growth to blossom instead of picking at the roots, amazing opportunities will arise. Dear Scorpio, in case no one told you, it's okay to fail, it's quiting that we should avoid. When you try to control the future or sabotage yourself, all you're really doing is expressing your indecision to the universe. Make a decision and stick to it for your own good–this is your gentle reminder to stop procrastinating. According to the zodiac, it's time for you to start making some changes.



The solar eclipse in Scorpio falls in your 12th house of endings and closure, Sagittarius. Use this eclipse as an opportunity to work on your spirituality and connect with your higher self. As a result of recent events, you may find yourself feeling lost or confused. This is a time for you to sit with your feelings and allow them to move through you. Remember Sagittarius, not every ending is a bad thing. Sometimes we have to close one door in order to open another. This is the time to enjoy your accomplishments and give them the focus they need. Your helpful suggestions will be valued by others far more than you'd think. You might be spending too much time worrying and not enough time taking action. As a Sagittarius, you prioritize being an educated and deep thinker, which is admirable. The problem is that there may not be enough time in the day for you to know everything. Your need to be honest with yourself if you want to reach your fullest potential.



The solar eclipse in Scorpio falls in your 11th house of community and friendship, Capricorn. Use this eclipse as an opportunity to connect with your friends and community. As a result of recent events, you may find yourself feeling lonely or isolated. This is a time for you to build relationships and connect with others. Capricorn, we're all going through this together. A new perspective of your professional life is inspired by the eclipse. Once you have chosen a route for your career, there is no going back. You will be able to achieve your goals without any obstacles in your way. The New Moon is a time to be cautious with whom you choose associate. Just because someone is interested in you, it doesn't mean you owe them your time. This doesn't mean that you should seclude yourself and avoid forming new relationships. Striking a balance is essential to developing strong, healthy relationships.



This solar eclipse in Scorpio is the time to sit with your feelings and allow them to flow through you. This New Moon and solar eclipse are a reminder to take some time for your family and to focus on what's important at home. The universe is resetting your 10th house of authority, which governs your career and reputation. This will help you to address any fears or issues that are causing you to feel out of control. If you're feeling pressure from this solar eclipse, it may be because you're being challenged to address some unhelpful patterns that have been passed down to you. Alternatively, this could also be a time for self-reflection and considering the image or persona that you project to others. Release the burden of expectations, or it will veer away from your true passion. Being polite for others while sacrificing yourself, doesn't help you on your path. You have to learn to put yourself first and this eclipse will be doing just that. It'll help release the effect of these burdens upon you, in order for you to take control of your life and destiny again.



This solar eclipse in Scorpio is the time to focus on your love life, Pisces. The universe is resetting your 9th house of travel and adventure. This will help you to address any fears or issues that are holding you back from experiencing new things. If you're feeling pressure from this solar eclipse, it may be because you're being challenged to address some unhelpful patterns that have been holding you back. As a Pisces, you are known for your compassionate and caring nature. Use this solar eclipse as an opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care about them. Consider what you know to be true less stringently, and instead focus on how clearly you communicate. It's crucial to remember that there is more to the world than just your perspective. How you communicate with others will always be one of the most important things in life. If you're not progressing in your personal development, it may be due to the way you think. Now is the time to look inward and explore your spirituality more deeply. Let this eclipses energy transform you.

The Solar Eclipse new moon in Scorpio is a time of intense but necessary change. Whatever you focus on during this time will become your reality. So, it's important to focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Be positive, confident, and believe in yourself. The sky is the limit! For more information on Astrology and it's affect on you, check out our Guild! Or get your Birth Chart reading by Sasha!

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