Lunar Eclipse Self-Care for Your Zodiac Sign: A Guide to Nourish and Rejuvenate

Lunar Eclipse Self-Care for Your Zodiac Sign: A Guide to Nourish and Rejuvenate


On May 5th, 2023, we will experience a powerful Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. This is a time of intense transformation, healing, and deep emotions but I don't have to tell you. I'm sure you're already feeling these intense emotions and symptoms but hang in there, it's for a reason. The energy of this eclipse will be felt for several months, and it's essential to harness its power and use it to our advantage. Remember the point of self-care magic is to use these energy's to our favor. The number 5 is significant during this time as it represents change, adventure, and freedom.


With both Pluto and Mercury in retrograde, this eclipse season is the perfect time to focus on spiritual self-care and inner reflection. Tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will be visible and felt across the world. This will be a powerful and emotionally charged event for ALL zodiac signs, and it is important to understand how each one of us can best prepare for this cosmic karmic orgy. If you'd like to stay up to date with Astro events, check out our Calendar here!

Aries: The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will bring intense emotions to the surface. Take the time to reflect on your past and let go of anything that no longer serves you. Aries you will feel an emotional intensity during this eclipse, as Scorpio is an opposing sign ,sorry love. However, this will be a time of deep transformation and exploration for Aries, and it’s important that you allow yourselves to go through their feelings without judgment or fear. This lunar eclipse will amplify negative aspects of your intimate relationships. While your fourth house, which represents your home, family, and emotions, will be influenced by Mars in Cancer, making your feelings hella heightened. Aries, the current position of the moon opposite the sun and the retrograde of Uranus and Mercury in Taurus may be hindering your progress. Even though your current situation provides comfort, it may be harmful and unreliable. It's time to break free love. What's holding you back?

Over the next few months you'll feel and see the effects of this eclipse within your life. As an Aries, you're a natural-born leader, but this can sometimes lead to stress and burnout. To take care of yourself during this time, try to find balance between work and play. Engage in physical activities like yoga or running to release tension and keep your energy levels up. If you find yourself needing an extra pep in your step then we recommend Pink Moon's Fire Element Collection. This ritual is designed for those who want to activate their bold inner child energy using the energizing power of the fire element. It's especially beneficial for those with acne-prone and moody skin. The three-step process enlivens and awakens the skin and your mood. Find the collection here!

Taurus: The ongoing eclipse story is helping you achieve balance dear Taurus. You may be reflecting on some of the things you have given up in the past to maintain a relationship that may not be genuine. This could be due to the lunar eclipse impacting your relationship sector and the retrograde of Uranus and Mercury in your sign. This eclipse will encourage you to explore your spirituality and dive deeper into your beliefs. Trust your intuition and embrace change. This eclipse will bring up a lot of fear and insecurity for Taurus's. It’s important that you focus on creating positive habits to help you feel more secure in yourself. Take time to practice self-love and nourishing your physical, mental, and emotional bodies during this intense eclipse.

Tauruses are known for being grounded and practical, but this eclipse season was especially heavy for you. To nurture your spiritual self-care, try incorporating new ways of grounding to your daily self-care. We suggest trying Pink Moon's Earth Element collection, which is designed for those who want to bring a sense of calmness and balance into their lives. This ritual helps with grounding, self-care, and stress relief by calling in the nourishing properties of nature. It also promotes healthy cell renewal and encourages physical healing. Find the collection here!

Gemini: As the upcoming eclipse may have difficulties, it is advisable to refrain from putting too much pressure on yourself. Changes are happening in your sixth house that relates to health, service, and diligence. These changes are being caused by energy that opposes the sun, Uranus, and Mercury retrograde in your 12th house. The 12th house deals with subconscious patterns and things that happen behind the scenes. Use this eclipse to let go of any negative self-talk and embrace your self-worth. This is a time to focus on healing and self-love dear Gemi's. Stop using your own voice to put yourself down, use it to your advantage. Connecting with nature through activities such as gardening, hiking, or swimming can be a great way for Geminis to restore their inner balance.

As a Gemini, you thrive on mental stimulation and communication. However, this can sometimes lead to anxiety and stress. We suggest trying Pink Moon's Air Element collection, which is designed to give you clarity and insight during this time. This ritual will help to open your mind and heart to new possibilities while allowing the energy of the air element to provide you with much needed mental clarity. It also helps with emotional balance and enhancing intuition. Find the collection here!

Cancer: This lunar eclipse will increase your awareness of the darker aspects of self-expression and highlight areas where you may need more self-love, especially in terms of your creative pursuits and desire for validation. Take this opportunity to connect with your inner child and let go of your fears Cancer's. It is important to be mindful of who you look to for validation, especially during this period when the sun, Uranus, and Mercury retrograde are affecting your 11th house of community affairs. This lunation will bring up a lot of unresolved emotions for you dearCancer, and it is important that you take time to process them without judgment or fear. This eclipse will bring clarity to your relationships, whether you wan to or not. It's time to release toxic connections and focus on those that bring joy and positivity to your life.

As a Cancer, you're highly intuitive and empathetic, but can sometimes take on the emotions of others. To take care of yourself, create a peaceful and nurturing space in your home. Light candles, burn incense, and uplift your home. For yourself, we suggest trying Pink Moon's Water Element collection during this transit, which is designed to help with calming and cleansing the mind. This ritual helps to clear away any mental fog and brings clarity during this time of change. It also encourages emotional balance and healing by providing a sense of comfort and restoring joy. Find the collection here!


Leo: The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will encourage you to focus on your health and well-being. Take the time to rest and prioritize self-care. Leo you'll be feeling a strong pull towards the spiritual realm during this eclipse, and it is important that they take time to connect with themselves on a deeper level. This eclipse is focusing on your emotional roots and family dynamics, bringing attention to the negative aspects of your inner self. What are you allowing that causes you discomfort? A part of your past, whether it be related to your ancestry or your emotions, is currently your theme. This is leading to your liberation, as uncomfortable as it may feel; think about what gives you a sense of confidence and feeling of being grounded.

Leos are natural performers and thrive on attention, but can sometimes struggle with self-doubt. To take care of yourself, practice positive self-talk and affirmations. Engage in activities that boost your confidence, such as dancing, singing, or practicing public speaking. We recommend using Pink Moon's Leo essence for the following months of this eclipse. This serum essence can help boost your confidence and charisma, as it hydrates, softens, and nourishes your skin like a multivitamin. Additionally, it can help fight against acne and prevent breakouts. Find the essence here!

Virgo: The eclipse will affect your third house and will reveal previously unspoken truths and unconscious memories that you may have kept hidden in your psyche. You may experience a sudden realization about your personal beliefs or philosophy due to Uranus and Mercury being in retrograde while the sun is in direct opposition. With Mars in your 11th house of community affairs, you will gain clarity about your beliefs and how you fit into the world. This eclipse will bring up a lot of intense emotions for you Virgo, and it’s important that they take the time to process them in a healthy manner. It will bring creative inspiration and encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. Embrace your passions and don't be afraid to take risks.

Virgos are known for their attention to detail and analytical nature, but can sometimes get bogged down by perfectionism. To take care of yourself, practice self-compassion and forgiveness. Engage in activities that allow you to let go and be creative, such as painting or crafting. For the following months of this eclipse, we recommend using the Virgo Essence from Pink Moon. This serum has properties that are similar to Virgos in terms of being detail-oriented. Not only does it hydrate, nourish, and soften the skin, but it also helps balance energy and promote harmony. You can get this essence here!

Libra: Libra will be feeling the intensity of this eclipse in a very emotional way, and it’s important you take time to process their feelings without judgment or fear. It's time to let go of old patterns and create a nurturing and loving environment.This lunar eclipse can help you let go of any unconscious attachments that may be holding you back and bring a sense of liberation, let it out and purge! This eclipse will bring up feelings of insecurity and fear, these are important to acknowledge Libra's. It is time to let go and focus on the things that make you feel strong and empowered, it may be a good time for some healing therapies such as meditation or journaling, just let it out love.

As a Libra, you value balance and harmony in all aspects of your life. However, this can sometimes lead to indecision and people-pleasing. To take care of yourself, set boundaries and practice assertiveness. Engage in activities that promote inner peace and balance, such as practicing yoga or taking a relaxing bath. We recommend using Pink Moon's Libra Essence for this transit, as it can help bring energy and clarity. This serum contains clear quartz and is formulated to promote balance and harmonize the skin, while also providing hydration, nourishment, and softness. You can get the essence here!


Scorpio: The Lunar eclipse will be especially powerful for Scorpios, as it's occurring in your sign. This is a time of deep transformation and exploration, so it is important to go through any emotions or experiences without judgment or fear. I know it's heavy but it's there for a reason, you either confront it or experience it again. This eclipse will bring major changes to your life. Although it may be challenging, the intense full moon will assist in freeing you from your shadows and confronting your subconscious. The alignment of celestial bodies, including the Taurus stellium in your relationship sector, Mars in your ninth house of self-discovery, and Pluto in your fourth house of family, is causing changes in your personal relationships. The changes resulting from this transformation may affect your previous values or dependencies in these connections, which could come as a surprise.

Scorpios are known for their intensity and passion, but can sometimes struggle with trust issues. To take care of yourself, practice vulnerability and open communication with loved ones. We suggest using the Scorpio essence from Pink Moon during this transit. This serum essence will hydrate, nourish and soften your skin while also connecting you to Scorpio's deep intuition and awakening your third eye. Get your essence here!

Sagittarius: Sagg's you'll be feeling a pull towards the spiritual during this eclipse, and it is important that they take time to explore their inner world. Use this eclipse to focus on your inner growth and spiritual development. Take the time to meditate and connect with your higher self. This lunar eclipse is enhancing your 12th house related to surrender, healing and unconscious patterns. So let go and surrender. The current position of Mars in the Cancer zodiac sign is highlighting areas in your life that may have been neglected and resulted in negative outcomes. By recognizing the negative aspects of your interactions, power dynamics and acts of service, you can work towards improving these areas.

Sagittarians are adventurous and love to explore, but can sometimes struggle with commitment. To take care of yourself, practice self-reflection and introspection. Engage in activities that allow you to learn and grow, such as traveling or taking a course in a subject that interests you. We recommend using the Sagittarius essence from Pink Moon during this transit. This serum is formulated with natural ingredients that help to nourish and protect the skin, while also encouraging courage and confidence. Get your essence here!

Capricorn: This eclipse will bring up a lot of unresolved emotions for you dear Capricorns, and it’s important to take time to process them in a healthy manner, no more putting it aside. This lunar eclipse focuses on your 11th house of community affairs and individual freedom, which may reveal the negative aspects of your social circle and how your need for acceptance may have become harmful; it will bring clarity. It's time to release negative connections and focus on those that align with your values. Experiencing a sudden change, whether in your personal or professional life, can make you realize if you have a secure way of expressing yourself or not.

As a Capricorn, you're disciplined and hard-working, but can sometimes neglect your emotional needs. To take care of yourself, make time for self-care activities, such as taking a relaxing bath or getting a massage. Engage in activities that allow you to connect with your inner self, such as practicing meditation or journaling. We suggest using Pink Moon's Capricorn moisturizer during the upcoming months to this eclipse. This moisturizer is enriched and can also be used as an overnight mask. It nourishes the skin, leaving it supple, firm, and radiant. The moisturizer contains active ingredients such as ceramides for skin repair, peptides for rejuvenation, and calendula for calming effect. Get your moisturizer here!

Aquarius: The Aquarius sign will be very sensitive to the spiritual energy during this eclipse, and it is important that they take time for themselves and practice self-care to avoid feeling overwhelmed or drained by the intensity of the lunar energy. Connecting with nature through activities such as gardening, hiking, or swimming can be a great way for Aquarians to restore their inner balance. This is an opportunity to look inward loves, and reconnect with your personal values as there are many planets clustered in Taurus directly across from you. If you have unintentionally prioritized materialistic values over personal fulfillment for financial stability, you may be forced to confront this uncomfortable reality. So do so, and then move on.

Aquarians are innovative and independent, but can sometimes feel disconnected from others. To take care of yourself, connect with like-minded individuals through social events or online communities. Engage in activities that allow you to express your creativity and unique perspective, such as writing or creating art. We recommend using Pink Moon's Aquarius moisturizer. This whipped cream contains natural ingredients such as licorice, rice bran, and gotu kola that have been known for their skin-boosting properties. It can help brighten and hydrate your skin to give it a radiant and youthful look. Get your moisturizer here!

Pisces: The current lunar eclipse in Scorpio landing in your ninth house of self-discovery, adventure, and growth has the potential to turn your pain into strength. However, this transformation might occur due to a sudden change in your point of view. This applies particularly to those who unconsciously relied on being "realistic" as a means of feeling secure despite it being false. This is a time to focus on your career and ambitions. Embrace change and trust in your abilities. It is for you to take risks and the life that you want, despite any obstacles. This eclipse will also shed light on your relationships and give insight into ways of improving them. Remember Pisces to trust the process and release what no longer serves you.

As a Pisces, you're highly sensitive and intuitive, but can sometimes struggle with boundaries. To take care of yourself, practice saying "no" and setting limits with others.  We suggest using Pink Moon's Pisces moisturizer. While you're applying this moisturizer, tap into the Pisces qualities of daydreaming, creativity, and sensitivity. Visualize yourself achieving your biggest dream as you do so, because the power of manifestation really exists. This deeply hydrating and moisturizing formula contains skin-nourishing and hydrating superfoods such as cucumber water, marshmallow root, and seaweed, which will be absorbed by thirsty skin. Find it here!

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