Find your truth in 2023 Gemini

Find your truth in 2023 Gemini


As frustrating and aggravating this time has felt, it's for a greater purpose. This positive shift has already spurred remarkable improvements this year compared to last and will only get grander and better. Having explored and embraced your inner worth, it's time to step out of the shadows and share your talent with the world. Are you all set for the most successful 2023? Then you need to check out our Astrology Self-care Calendar! It's chock full of all the advice and strategies you'll need. Plus, it just so happens that Mars is still in retrograde when 2023 kicks off, so you'll be needing an extra hand at the start of this new year. So take advantage and stay ahead with this incredible tool!


It's been a long and tough road dear Gemini but not for much longer. Your 2023 horoscope predicts that the plot of revenge you've been dreaming up is finally starting to take shape. I understand that revenge may seem outdated, but it's the moment to take control and assert your worth after enduring a great deal. It's time to fight for yourself. After months of frustration, we can finally rejoice: Mars retrograde is nearing its glorious close on January 12 at 8 degrees Gemini! As the year commences, your governing planet Mercury is in retrograde. By Wednesday January 18th, it will move forward again. Therefore, anticipate the normal delays and mix-ups as we move into the early months of 2023. I won't lie to you, this hasn't been nor will it be an easy ride but you can ABSOLUTELY can do it, you can make it through the hardest of times. Remember, it's always darkest right before the dawn. For you dear Gemi's, I recommend this gorgeous gold tone adjustable ring in a sunburst crown shape, nestled with a piece of veiny copper calcite lapis lazuli, a natural stone of deep blue and gold. A ring to remind you on your self care journey that there it is always darkest before the dawn and that you're that bad bitch to make it across!


As we depart the shadows of Mars and Mercury in March, our luck long as we put in effort during the retrograde period that is! On March 7, Saturn will enter Pisces, laying down the law in your 10th house of social standing and reputation for the next two years. Don't be fooled by influencer's claims; although this may seem complex, it is actually ideal for Gemini's, Sagittarius', Virgo's and Pisces. This is why doing the hardworking during retrogrades matter, the Universe rewards. You're about to level up loves! This shift might bring about some difficult adjustments, particularly if you've been feeling hesitant in your professional trajectory. Spiritual bath's and cleanses are your dearest friend during this time. For centuries, people have turned to spiritual baths as a way to cleanse the mind and soul. The goal of these baths is ultimately to heal the spirit by balancing the chakras. One of the benefits of taking a spiritual bath is that it can help clear any blockages in your body which could lead to more serious illnesses. Many cultures believe that water is sacred and pure. To enhance the bath, people add herbs, flowers, incense, and an intention or prayer. This is a time to detach yourself from outside distractions and focus on your internal spiritual healing. Check out all of our spiritual bath's here!

Get ready, because on March 23rd Pluto will move into Aquarius and ignite your ninth house of knowledge, understanding, and adventure. Let Pluto be your faithful companion for the next two decades as you journey through life's joys and sorrows. Don't be deceived, 2023 is the year you create a narrative that will forever remain with you. On March 23, Mars will abandon Gemini and enter Cancer, empowering your second house of money and values. It's time to rev up the engine! As the New Year moves forward and the days become brighter, you will likely be motivated to build a better financial future with increased income. An improved foundation is essential for this purpose! During this period, it is of utmost importance to maintain equilibrium with regards to your mind, body and spirit. Our family swears by this highly potent, unrefined, cold pressed Black Seed Oil. It is an essential component of our “healing cabinet” and has proven to be incredibly beneficial in maintaining health and wellness. Black seed oil is known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties that aid in the healing of infection and inflammation. Check out our Black seed oil and more all natural Home Farm products here!

Seize this chance to kindle a spark within your own social circle when the new moon solar eclipse in Aries shadows your 11th house of goals and dreams on April 20th. Ready to take your social media presence to a whole new level? On May 5th, the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will be arriving in your sixth house of wellbeing. So don't miss this opportunity and challenge yourself today! To remain productive and keep your energy levels up, it is essential that you make the necessary modifications to work smarter as well as taking regular breaks for rest. Finding equilibrium between the physical and digital world is essential in order to remain at optimal performance levels! 2023 will be an unforgettable year - one you'll happily reminisce upon. Embrace your fear and dare to soar, dear Gemini! Step forward with courage and confidence to be rewarded for your boldness. Work on those Solar plexus chakras, tap into your inner light and sparkle! Rejuvenate and hydrate your body with our Solar Plexus Body Oil and Butter. Immerse yourself in an uplifting aroma using the Solar Plexus Essence. With this complete Solar Plexus Kit, you can replenish both physical and energetic strength of your solar plexus chakra!


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